Will Karl Rove Fucking Get Indicted, Already?!?!
Not because I want to glorify in the further destruction of this woefully mismanaged and incompetent administration...well, okay, maybe I do. But that's not the main reason.
No. The real reason I'm waiting for the chubby funster to be brought up is because I can't wait to see Patrick Fitzgerald, the greatest American Hero, the Dudley Do-Right to our collective Nell Fenwick, and all-round nummy, yummy, hot-ass stud, do this...:

...on TV again.
Oh God, I love him so. What I wouldn't give for a weekend to spend trying to corrupt him.
No. The real reason I'm waiting for the chubby funster to be brought up is because I can't wait to see Patrick Fitzgerald, the greatest American Hero, the Dudley Do-Right to our collective Nell Fenwick, and all-round nummy, yummy, hot-ass stud, do this...:

...on TV again.
Oh God, I love him so. What I wouldn't give for a weekend to spend trying to corrupt him.
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