Future Corpse

Cake, please.

13 April, 2006

Matt and Trey, you make my day

South Park pulled out the howitzer from their bag of punches for last night's episode.

As a long-time fan, I knew it was going to be hard-hitting, but Jesus Christ....I almost cried, it was so beautiful.

The cliff-hanger of the two-part episode was whether or not Comedy Central would allow a simple, innocuous rendering of Muhammed to be shown. Trey, in his exciting, dramatic voice-over , asked: "Will television executives fight for free speech? Or will Comedy Central puss out?"

The answer to that question:

They did, however, allow Matt and Trey to beam something else out to all of us in the cozy sanctuary of our Christian-nation living rooms: animated images of George W. Bush and Jesus shitting on each other and the American flag under a big, smiley yellow American sun.

And of course, that's not anywhere near as offensive as an animation of Muhammad standing in a doorway.

So, well played, Comedy Central! You dodged a bullet.


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