Who in the hell do I think I am?
Hi. Welcome.
I, like the vast majority of people who cruelly foist their thoughts upon an already word-logged world, have no defining philosophy and no specific focus.
My head is often cluttered, disorganized, and subject to take jack-rabbit runs in opposing directions depending on what information it gets fed. So topic, tone, mood, and activity level could sometimes be erratic.
Or maybe it won't. It's just so hard predict the behaviour of the whim-driven.
At any rate, I've joined the cocophonous blog-herd and am ready to start braying! So I offer my small, insignificant mind-minutia up for perusal, potentially a little enjoyment, and critique.
It will take some time to become acclimated to this environment and to feel comfortable. Right now, I feel rather like my date is knocking at the front door and I'm still running around in curlers, one shoe on, trying to zip my dress up.
But keep knocking. I'll be presentable soon enough.
Oh, and I don't put out on the first date. So watch the hands, bub.
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