Future Corpse

Cake, please.

30 May, 2006

ooooga boooga....6/6/06 is coming

From The Sun Newspaper:

Woman balks at having 6/6/6 'devil' baby

CAVERSHAM, England, May 30 (UPI) -- A woman in England due to give birth on June 6 is fighting with her hospital to induce her sooner to avoid delivering on the demonic date of 6/6/6.

Melissa Parker, 30, said as a fan of "The Omen," a movie about a demonic child, she's genuinely concerned about the numerology involved, The Sun reported Tuesday.

"I'm terrified the birth will go wrong or the child will have evil in him or her," Parker said. "Even worse my beautiful baby could be the devil himself -- the anti-Christ."

A perfectly rational fear.

History is, after all, simply teeming with accounts of past infestations of demon infants that cropped up whenever a day comprised of three sixes rolled round on the calendar.

I recall reading somewhere that there are three demons still alive from the last batch born in 1906. All three are in nursing homes, withering away, and waxing nostalgic to anyone who will listen about their glory days as instigating forces behind such evils as the stock market crash, the Holocaust, Bob Segar records, and the birth of Jerry Falwell.

The Sun tabloid is only slightly more respectable than Weekly World News, so I assume the story of this dipshit woman is "creative reporting". A relief, frankly, as the thought of such stupidity actually being prevalent in my beloved England is physically painful.

Had this story, however, been about an American woman, I wouldn't be inclined to so easily dismiss it, for the simple fact that we are up to our necks in twaddling nutjubs over here.

There's nary a 2 mile stretch without a church of some kind in my neck of the woods. People take their religion very fucking seriously here. Which would be fine if their beliefs didn't very fucking seriously affect my life here.

It's discouraging and maddening to see such unquestioning devotion to something that, due to lack of all proof to the contrary, is, essentially, a fairytale. The Big Daddy In The Sky watches over us, gives us rules to live by, and, if we do good, rewards us with riches and lets our football team win the big game.

It all has such a cozy, tucked-up-in-bed feeling, doesn't it?

But, like everything, it's got a dark side. We see traces of it in the story of this woman, afraid of a number on a calendar. All too often, it goes much, much darker.

I would bet money that, if a study were done in American hospitals, it would show an increase in the number of c-sections and inducements in the days leading up to June 6th of this year.

And I can't help wondering how many women, warped by years of heavy religious indoctrination, have had (or have been encouraged to have) abortions within the last year simply because they'd been given the most undesirable due date of all.

Which, in that circumstance, could perhaps be a fetus' best option. Because if you're walking around thinking there's a chance you might birth the antichrist, aborting it would probably be less damaging than you raising it.

Full article - with picture of the terrified mum-to-be here


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